Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Technology for all

A report released last May from the United Nations states that "ensuring universal access to the Internet should be a priority for all States" and suggests that "[e]ach State should thus develop a concrete  and effective policy, in consultation with individuals from all sections of society, including the private sector and  relevant Government ministries, to make the Internet widely available, accessible and affordable to all segments of population." Read the entire report, at http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/17session/A.HRC.17.27_en.pdf

Comcast, a broadband service provider, is offering a program called "Internet Essentials" to low income families. For a low monthly payment, Comcast delivers high-speed broadband service to the home. They also offer a computer at a significantly reduced price at the initial enrollment in addition to free training--online, in print, and in person. Learn more about this program at http://www.internetessentials.com/about/index.html

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