Friday, August 29, 2008

Web Community is a thriving web community designed for people who have Autism or Aspergers and anyone else who is interested in understanding people with these disorders. Wrong Planet offers a a variety of information including interviews, articles, chat, a blog list and a shop.

One of the most notable aspects of the site is the active message board, where a diverse group of people post questions, trade advice and tell stories. Wrong Planet has many forums, including a Parent’s Board, an area where people with Aspergers can talk about employment and several topical boards that discuss anything from video games to philosophy. Wrong Planet provides a very personal and interesting look inside the world of people who have Aspergers or Autism.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


In ADHD & Me: What I Learned from Lighting Fires at the Dinner Table, author Blake E. S. Taylor describes some of his experiences living with ADHD. He shows readers how to overcome social anxiety, avoid being misunderstood by people around them, and how to be more organized, among other things. Every chapter ends with a "Cause & Effect" and "Solutions" section, which explains some of the challenges of ADHD and how they can be dealt with. This first-hand account of school and family life with the disorder is recommended for students, parents, and professionals who have or work with others who have ADHD. If you would like to learn more about this book, check it out at CeDIR today, or visit to find it at a library near you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Adaptive Clothing

Adaptive Clothing is designed for people with disabilities. Some disabilities often make traditional clothing uncomfortable to wear or difficult to put on. Special adaptive clothing is available to suit many needs, including those who use wheelchairs, patients with Alzheimer's, persons with developmental disabilities, anyone with a limited range of motion or children with special needs.

Many companies have addressed the need for adaptive clothing and some have a web presence where one can browse a catalog or look at samples.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Spinal Cord Injury: A Guide for Living

Written by Sara Palmer, Ph.D., Spinal Cord Injury: A Guide for Living discusses many of the challenges faced by individuals with spinal cord injuries, such as independent living, family life, employment, and housing. It includes recent medical research and true stories of people living with spinal cord injuries, as well as the social issues involved after recovery. In a recent review, the Disability Studies Quarterly said the following of Palmer's work: "This book does a very good job of taking someone from the moment of injury, to hospital and rehabilitation, and into adjusting to life and relationships with a disability. Anyone who has a friend, colleague, or family member confronted by this trauma might find this a useful gift in difficult circumstances." If you would like to find out more about Spinal Cord Injury, check it out at CeDIR today, or visit to find it at a library near you.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Radio Series on Disability

Going back as early as the 1800s, a radio series at is giving listeners an idea of how society's view of disability has changed with time. Beyond Affliction: The Disability History Project presents information from primary source documents in a four-hour radio series, which is made up of individual shows, including Inventing the Poster Child, The Overdue Revolution, and Tomorrow's Children. Tapes and transcripts can be ordered via this site, and clips of the shows can be accessed through the "Real Audio" link. To learn about the history of disability in the United States, visit Beyond Affliction at, or check out the sound recording at CeDIR today. You can also find it at a library near you by visiting

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Autism and Diet

For some children with autism, eating a gluten free diet can be a effective treatment to help ease symptoms such as speech or behavior difficulties. Wheat, grains and starches are avoided as part of a this type of nutritional plan. CeDIR has several cookbooks and diet intervention books on eating gluten free including:

The kid-friendly ADHD & autism cookbook : the ultimate guide to the gluten free, casein free diet
By Pamela J Compart

Allergy busters : a story for children with autism or related spectrum disorders struggling with allergies
By Kathleen Chara

Incredible edible gluten-free food for kids : 150 family-tested recipes
By Sheri L Sanderson

Diet intervention and autism : implementing the gluten free and casein free diet for autistic children and adults : a practical guide for parents
By Marilyn Le Breton

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The ABCs of Learning Disabilities

In a new book entitled The ABCs of Learning Disabilities, authors Bernice Y. L. Wong, Lorraine Graham, Maureen Hoskyn, and Jeanette Berman discuss learning disabilities and how they relate to language, working memory, reading, mathematics, and self-regulation. They also address the history of learning disabilities in Europe and the United States, as well as the social aspects of LD, like self-understanding and loneliness. While this work is written for an undergraduate audience, it can be useful for anyone interested in finding out more about this topic. Check out this informative book at CeDIR today, or visit to find it at a library near you.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Did you hear...IDEA 2004

Russo, C.J. (2006). What's changed?: A side-by-side analysis of the 2006 and 1999 IDEA Part B regulations. Horsham, Pa.: LRP Publications.

Anderson, W. (Ed.)(2008). Negotiating the special education maze: A guide for parents & teachers [4th ed.]. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House.

Wright, P.W.D., & Wright, P.D. (2007). Wrightslaw: Special education law [2nd ed.]. Hartfield, VA: Harbor House Law Press.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Employment and Other Services for People with Disabilities

According to its website at, Noble of Indiana helps 1,000 children and families every year with such activities as speech and developmental therapy, evaluation, assessment, education, and more. Additionally, 550 individuals with disabilities have found employment through the organization's school-to-work program. The group offers adult day activities like skill training, cooking classes, and arts and crafts, as well as support for students with disabilities, such as summer camp and school-age therapies. Upcoming events can be found
on this site, along with a 2007 Annual Report showing the progress Noble has made in the past year. To find out more about family supports, working in the community, or getting involved, visit today!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Case Conferences and IEPs

for more information:

Pierangelo,R. (2007). Understanding, developing, and writing effective IEPs: A step-by-step guide for educators . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Chen, D. (2005). The first IEP [Videorecording]: A parent's perspective. Baltimore: Paul Brookes.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

A New Website for Students with Visual Disabilities

A new resource is now available to students with disabilities, as well as certain nonprofit organizations, libraries, government agencies, and educational and rehabilitational institutions, through the Department of Education. The website, which reproduces written material into more accessible formats for individuals with disabilities, is free to students with visual or other print disabilities. The site serves K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students, and with the help of the Office of Special Education Program's financial assistance of $32 million, the site is expected to grow with at least 100,00 new titles over the next five years. To learn more about this valuable resource to students, visit

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Accessible World

Jonathan Mosen, Vice President of Blindness Hardware Product Management for Freedom Scientific, will share information and show off the new features of the PAC Mate Omni 6.1 on Tech Talk, an online conference operated by The Accessible World. The show takes place Monday, August 11, at 8:00 PM EDT (0:00 GMT Tuesday). Anyone with a computer that has Internet access can attend and participate in the session. Those with microphones can interact audibly with the presenters and others in the virtual audience. The interactive conference requires no password and is free.

During the presentation, Jonathan Mosen will discuss how the PAC Mate Omni accessible Pocket PC is available in models with either braille or QWERTY input – with or without a refreshable Braille display. Jonathan will demonstrate new accessibility features of the PAC Mate Omni that are a first for notetaker technology, including universal contracted braille entry, support for a range of commercial eBooks as well as PDF files, and expanded navigation quick keys on the Web.

Download the presentation or podcast from the Tech Talk archives.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Did you hear...Learning Disabilities

for more information:

Wong, B.Y.L. (2008). The ABCs of learning disabilities [2nd ed.]. Boston : Elsevier/Academic Press.

Fletcher, J.M. (2007). Learning disabilities: From identification to intervention. New York: Guilford Press.

Reid, R. (2006). Strategy instruction for students with learning disabilities. New York: Guilford Press.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

PHI's National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce

“There were approximately 2.5 million direct-care workers in the U.S. in 2003, and another 800,000 jobs are expected to open up over the next ten years as the population ages.” -PHI

PHI's National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce is an organization which provides resources to help address the problem of a shortage of workers in the field of long term care. The clearinghouse offers a library that includes fact sheets, a variety of reports, new briefs and more. These materials breech all aspects of caregiving, including recruitment, training, workplace politics and practical how to guides.

This organization also offers resources for direct care workers, including job listings, links to online communities and even information about unions. Personal testimonials of direct care workers are portrayed, as well as profiles of organizations that have successfully retained and recruited long term care workers.